





Shijiazhuang International Convention & Exhibition Center in Zhengding New District of Shijiazhuang city covers an area of 64.4 hectares and a floor space of 359,000 m2, including 229,000 m2 above ground. All areas for conventions and exhibitions extend along the hub in the shape of the fishbone. The multi-elevation pedestrian system facilitates the diversion of people, vehicles and goods. The exhibition area incorporates seven standard exhibition halls covering an area of 11,000 m2 each and one large multi-purpose exhibition hall of 26,000 m2. Boasting a floor space of 110,000 m2, the exhibition area has been the world’s largest exhibition hall featuring the cable-suspended structure.
鸟瞰,aerial view ©姚力
▼总平面图,site plan ©THAD
Our survey report on the use of various exhibition buildings in China highlighted the following problems in construction and operation. First, the large building cut the urban space apart. Second, some venues don’t have enough entrance lobbies and multi-purpose exhibition halls to meet the market demand. Some exhibition halls feature a single function and insufficient business value. Some others lack a relatively large multi-purpose exhibition hall covering an area of 20,000 to 30,000 m2 to host commercial performances, fan club, corporate annual meetings, among others. Third, in some venues, the building structure doesn’t fit well into the architectural image, giving rising to structural waste for the sake of image. Fourth, some venues lack cultural connotations in details, without prominent geological features. Firth, the buildings are energy-consuming. Glass curtain wall has been mostly used in the enclosure structures of buildings. Some central halls are too large and too high, with staggering energy consumption. During the transition season, the exhibition halls are poor in cross-ventilation, without intelligent power management system.
▼标准展厅室外细部,standard exhibition hall exterior view ©姚力
1、 围绕会展建筑的开放城市空间。场地不设围墙市民可以自由出入,靠近城市干道界面多设置近人尺度景观小品,鼓励与外部互动与交往。同时将原规划贯穿东侧绿地的地面车道改为地下车道,将北侧园博园到南侧滹沱河公共绿地休闲步行通道连为一体,为市民创造丰富、连续、宜人的公共开放空间。
In response to the above five problems based on post-assessment, we’d like to propose the following design strategies:
▼流线示意图,circulation diagram ©THAD
1.Design an open urban space around the exhibition building. It’s surrounded by no walls, for the free access of the citizens. In the area near the urban boulevard, there are approachable landscape accessories to encourage interactions between the people and the nature. The design changes the ground lane that runs through the green space in the east to an underground driveway, and the design also connects the garden in the north with the public green space along the Hutuo River in the south to create a continuous and pleasant public space for entertainment and leisure of the citizens.
▼建筑鸟瞰,aerial view ©姚力
▼登录厅外观,entrance hall exterior view ©姚力
2、 灵活高效的功能组合。建筑设置多标高平台系统,供货线路与人行流线互不交叉。展厅沿枢纽区鱼骨式生长,两三成组。既能保持整体运营的连贯性,又相对成组团独立对外经营。设置一个相对独立的6万m2多功能展厅,承担包括展览、会议、演艺、赛事等功能。大观演厅采用无固定坐席布置,后排设置少量活动座椅,可根据需要分隔成2-4个小厅。约3000m2大宴会厅也可以分隔为3个小厅独立运营。
▼功能布局,programme ©THAD
▼多功能展厅,the multi-purpose exhibition hall ©姚力
▼南登录厅,south entrance hall ©姚力
3、 结合会展建筑大跨度空间的需要,应用悬索结构实现功能要求同时实现富有韵律感的连续屋面。石家庄国际会展中心的7个标准展厅全部采用全球罕见双向悬索结构,较桁架结构约节约一半用钢量。悬索结构展厅屋面连绵起伏错落有致,展厅大跨度屋盖,主承重结构最大跨度105米,次承重结构最大跨度108米。
▼标准展厅剖面,standard exhibition hall – section ©THAD
3.To meet the needs for long-span space in exhibition buildings, the cable-suspended structure is applied to meet the functional needs and produce the rhythmic and continuous roof. All the seven standard exhibition halls in the Shijiazhuang International Convention & Exhibition Center adopt the globally rare two-way cable-suspended structure, halving the steel consumption compared with the truss structure. Undulating and well-proportioned, the roof of the exhibition halls in the cable-suspended structure covers a long span. The maximum span of the main bearing structure extends 105 meters and that of the secondary bearing structure 108 meters.
▼标准展厅,the standard exhibition hall ©姚力
▼标准展厅室内,the standard exhibition hall – interior view ©姚力
4、 由悬索结构自然形成的大屋面形成对传统建筑的强烈映射,同时在展厅山墙面细部抽取借鉴正定县隆兴寺摩尼殿歇山抱厦意象,用新材料新技术呈现几何力学和建筑美学的统一,也进一步提升了参观者对建筑在地性的认同度。
▼展厅索结构施工顺序,cable-suspended structure construction process ©THAD
4.The large roof naturally formed by the cable-suspended structure magnificently mirrors Chinese traditional architectures. The detailed design of the gable wall of the exhibition hall draws from the architectural design of Mani Hall of Longxing Temple in Zhengding Country. By means of new materials and latest technologies, it integrates the beauty in geometrical mechanics and architectural aesthetics, while winning the visitors’ acclaim in its localization.
▼悬索结构实现富有韵律感的连续屋面,the cable-suspended structure creates a rhythmic and continuous roof ©姚力
5、 为实现建筑性能的绿色可持续,从策划设计启动阶段,就引入绿色三星的相关设计要求,从建筑全寿命周期角度考虑设计策略的组合。
5.With a view to the green and sustainable building, the requirements for the Green Building Label have been applied to the planning, design and start-up phases for the combination of design strategies from the perspective of the building’s life cycle.
Resting on the pillars of “pre-programming and post-occupancy evaluation”, the project of Shijiazhuang International Convention & Exhibition Center is based on the study into the rational planning of spatial layout, adopts ingenious and cable-suspended structure to significantly reduce the steel consumption, explores the distinctive geological features of Zhengding County to put into abstract expression, and directs design with forward-looking green targets.
▼南登录厅室内,south entrance hall – interior view ©姚力
▼观演厅,auditorium ©姚力
▼会议入口大厅,conference hall lobby ©姚力
▼展厅连廊,exhibition hall corridor ©姚力
项目名称 / Project: 石家庄国际会展中心 / Shijiazhuang International Convention and Exhibition Center 项目地点 / Project Location:河北/Hebei 建成时间 / Completion Time:2018 设计时间 / Design Time:2016 用地面积 / Site Area:644000 m2 建筑面积 / GFA:359000 m2 主创建筑师 / Principal in Charge:庄惟敏 设计团队 / Design Team: 庄惟敏、张维、张葵、张红等/ ZHUANG Weimin, ZHANG Wei, ZHANG Kui, ZHANG Hong, etc

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